This post is dedicated to a very special friend. I would like to call her Juanita( almost not her real name for confidentiality)
I met Juanita when I was a freshmen in the Uni. We never really became close until the Senior Year of Uni.
Juanita is a very simple girl. She loves to laugh and she takes joys in simple things in life. In contrast to my fast and semi perfectionist character, Juanita is the happy go lucky type of girl.
In Uni, It was hard for me to make friends with other people, while Juanita seem to gracefully glides around like a social butterfly that can get along with almost every group of friends in our course department..
She is just everywhere…. Literally!
When we graduated from University, We both worked in different companies but in the same city. To update each other’s life, we make it a point to make Wednesday nights our night. After my work, I would drive to her office and would send her a text message : “ Misscall means” , which we both understand that a Miscall means I am outside and be quick, I don’t want to wait for a long time.
Wednesday nights would be spent either going to the mall to eat or watch a movie or simply give in to a restaurant that we are craving since the beginning of the week and go to a coffee shop for a good conversation.
Because of Juanita, I was able to meet a good Korean friend, booker which I visited at the start of the year 2009 in Korea.
Juanita is a listening ear. She would get excited listening to stories of cute girls at my work place.
Juanita was the person I called when I got really pissed with my younger sister going home very drunk after her birthday party. I was fuming mad at that time, but Juanita just listened and laughed at my reaction for being such a serious brother. Even at her seemingly senseless reaction over my rage. I had to admit just merely talking to her and letting my heart out, eased my anger a lot.
There was a time when I was forced to go back to my hometown and had to leave Cebu, I was really devastated thinking that I would be leaving such a beautiful city. I was in the boat to my hometown with all my things stuffed in my car.
As the boat docked away from the port and seeing the city’s evening lights slowly start to fade away as the boat sailed farther, I felt that it was the end of my world. I called Juanita and was crying on the phone while speaking with her. At the back of my head I was thinking: I’m doomed….. Party is over for me. She was there to listen and assure me that everything is going to be alright.
These are just few of instances that Juanita became a lifeline to me and I am forever thankful to her for that.

Looking back at all those years, I realized how fortunate I am to have met Juanita. Despite the differences of our characters.
Me being the bossy type and the go getter type that takes life very seriously. And Juanita being the social butterfly that takes life at her own pace in her colorful world. We managed to meet in the middle and, get into our own worlds.
Juanita, as you embark a new chapter in your life, I will definitely miss the us. The times when you are just a phone call away and 15 minutes later you receive a text from me with a message : “Misscall means” and everything seems to be ok after being able to have a coffee with you or simply eating with you at some cheap places to eat.
Thank You Tita Please for being the:
Listening ear
Calmer of my fast soul
Mediator of my wandering mind
Tita please who knows me inside out.
To end this post I would like to think of the future.
Year 2040. And old woman receives a message from an old fat bald tattooed man which contains words that only the 2 of them understands. The message has the following words and phrases in it.
The Zoo
Tiger, Zebra, The Animals, The Zoo keeper
“Pritchie” Daanton
Miscall means, Tita Pru, Chingkychings, the royal family, Molavehing
Tito please….. dating?
Hmmpphhh…. Grrgghhh
Juanita, This post is for you. Don’t worry nobody reads my blog.
Here’s for your new life and adventure….
Cheers 9503060x!
Tito Please