Today I got the chance to see an old friend online.
"I" now lives in Berlin we use to work together and after she got married to her german boyfriend, they transferred to Germany.
Since she got hired by a German Bank, I seldom see her online. When I saw "I" was online, I instantly message her. And ask her how are things and if she has adjusted to her new job already. Here are some parts of our catching up.
Me: have you adjusted well already?
"I": yeah, work is good I'm enjoying it stressful at times
Me:Wow that's really good to hear that you are enjoying work
"I": I am proud to say, modesty aside, that my bosses are impressed with me. I think I finally found the job that suits me. Its a mix of 3 things, Banking,Legal and Research, the 3 fields that interest me most.
After updating each other, we spoke about our common friends and some of her law school classmates whom I knew also. Our chat lasted for at least a little over an hour. Suddenly she has to go.
"I": dude I gotta run. "T" ( T is I's husband) promised to take me shopping cuz it's my birthday.
Me: hey sorry
"I": huh? why?
Me: I didn't know its your birthday, I closed my facebook I am not updated. I feel bad I didn't greet you.
"I": hahahaha no worries we're new yorkers we can take it.
Me: well yeah.... that's a good answer.
"I": haha thanks let's catch up again soon.
Me: enjoy your day newyorker
"I": Ciao!
After catching up with "I" , It made me realize again how we are and how we feel towards our birthdays. Some become sentimental, some needs more attention, some need to feel special and for "I" maybe it is just another day. After all she is a Newyorker.
Are you a newyorker?