Monday, December 29, 2008
Happy New Year
Hey sorry it's taken so long.I made my way to Hiroshima, then went up to Osaka and then Kyoto and now I'm in Mt Fuji. I will make my way up to Tokyo tomorrow :) Yes I am homeless on the 1st Jan, I either need to share a bed with somebody ;) or party all night.
Ohh you're off to Korea tomorrow- how exciting?! I hope your all packed up and ready to go, Facebook me to let me know how's it going.
Take care :)
Lesson learned: It's hard to be homeless in a foreign country. I experienced being homeless for a night in Cambodia, I ended up having to squat in a room of a Belgian girl I met in the bus going to Siem Reap.
Today, I made sure to book a room at least on the 31st evening just to make me settle. From there I will be travelling to nearby cities of Seoul and hopefully bunked in some cheap hostels I can find. Nothing beats an unplanned adventure ;-)
Let me share the details of my 1 night accommodation. Courtesy of
Hostel: B and B Morning Calm
Address: Jongnogu Pyeongchangdong 345-89 ,Seoul 110-847, South KoreaTelephone: +82 (0)2-379-1337 / +82-16-229-6966 Email: staykorea@nate.comWebsite: By airport bus : Take an airport bus (at 4A and 10A bus stop) to Plaza Hotel and take a taxi and ask taxi driver to call us on phone. By subway : Take a number 3 line and get off at Gyeongbokgung station or number 5 line and get off at Gwanghwamun station. - see map
Booking Information: Booking Ref: 8618-2762363 - Jxxx xxux xx
Room details
Cost (USD)
Total (USD)
Wed 31/12/08
Private Single
USD 37.76
10% Deposit
USD 3.78
Booking fee
Total paid*
USD 3.78
USD 33.98
*The total paid has been charged at today's USD exchange rate by and is non refundable.**Your balance of USD 33.98 is payable on arrival in the local currency at KRW 45000.00Cancellation Policy:You may cancel or amend your booking up to 48 hours before arrival, without cancellation charges. After this time you will be charged for the first nights accommodation.
Recommended Partners:
2008 is the best year so far! I am thankful I took the leap of leaving the comforts of home and family. As usual, I have not booked anything for 2009 yet! Hopefully the adventures continue.
Happy New Year 2009
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Seoul Searching
And so I read and looked for informations about how to get a Visa to Korea. I have to admit it was a bit difficult because aside from complying all the requirements for the Korean Visa ( Chinese Visa, work permit, employee certificate, employee's business registration, Bank statement, detailed Itinerary and 540 RMB). South Korean Embassy in Shanghai has changed it's regulations since August this year. Nobody can directly apply for an individual visa. Everyone has to go through an Agency.
As much as I want to go through the bloody details of phoning the embassy in Shanghai and being referred to an agency in suzhou, only to be declined since I am foreigner, and pass back to the embassy again. I am thankful for my persistence and obviously I was the first foreigner that the Suzhou agency has processed, which unfortunately have to deal with their incompetence.
2 weeks ago I got my visa application approved already. So timely for the weekend that I will be sending Naomi off from Shanghai to Tokyo. I also took the chance to buy the lonely planet Korea.
I am looking forward this trip. 1st time to celebrate new year away from home. 1st time in Korea.
My must do in Korea:
Visit Ski resorts and try skiing for the 1st time
Visit the scary boarder of North Korea and South Korea. ( DMZ)
Try traditional korean food
meet my old korean friend Booker
Have fun
Let me share some interesting read I got from my lonely planet book:
Before going to Korea
Don't leave home without:
-checking your socks have no holes in them as you must remove your shoes to enter Buddhist shrines, traditional restaurants and private homes.
-Packing extra winter clothes during winter
-Improving your skills at charades and gestures as not many Koreans speak english
-Practicing being naked in front of strangers so you can enjoy Korea's many excellent and reasonably priced hot springs and spas
-Packing a pair of sheets if you're planning to stay in a budget accommodation, which often has just quilts.
-Bringing personal hygiene and brand name medical items that may be difficult to obtain.
With that... I am all set except for my accommodation...
I have written something about Mark, and this post about Naomi is way too overdue already.
(few weeks after we all arrive in china Hairstyle no. 1)- winter-spring
Naomi is very independent and thinks and acts with sense. She likes to travel and has traveled fairly a good number of countries already. When we had problems with our visas because of the Olympic issues here in China, all of us had to leave the country. I went to Hong Kong and she went to Thailand.
She then became a great fan of Thailand and has speak highly of that country. One of the reasons why I chose to backpack there last summer. And true enough, I had a blast!!
Unlike before, we see each other almost everyday because of school and after school bottle of beers. Right now, Mark has gone back to Australia. Naomi is still in Suzhou living like a princess but on the opposite side of the city.
Though my apartment and her place is on the opposite ends of Suzhou, from time to time we do occasional dinner or lunch just to catch up.
(one of catch up meetings. Hairstyle no. 2) summer- autumn
This month, we have planned to do Shanghai and just get wasted and stay there for the night. But because of different schedules it barely came to reality. Naomi is spending Christmas and New Year in Japan. I felt bad for always postponing our drinking spree. I offered to go with her in shanghai to catch her flight to Tokyo.
It was interesting that even if we took the late train to shanghai, she managed to cause me to panic because she arrived at the train station very late, that we were the last passengers to get in before they close down the entrance gate. Not to mention the long run in the ramp as our seats are in the carriage number 16!
Anyways, we managed to catch our train and got to Shanghai.
(panic booking for a place to stay in Japan. Hairstyle no. 3) Winter
Looking at panic booking picture, I am reminded that I myself is travelling to Seoul on the last day of the year to celebrate New Year in South Korea. And until now I still have no place to stay. I don't want to be homeless in Korea for the New Year....
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
easiest gift for ladies
Tomorrow is the birthday of a friend of mine here in China. She has done some good things for me so I feel that I have to give her something for her birthday. The problem is I am not the type of person who likes to shop around.
So instead of punishing myself deciding what gift I should give, I decided to follow my principle about ladies and flowers. I hope I am right when I think that ladies feels special if they receive flowers.
Aside from it's quick, I think men never go wrong with giving flowers.
After work, I decided to look for some flower shops on the way home.
I saw one in Feng men lu, one of the first few streets here in Suzhou that I am very much familiar, since my school is located in that street and I used to walk along that street last winter.
The owner speaks "Suzhou hua" or Suzhou dialect, which is kinnda difficult for me to catch up. After a few minutes of hand gestures we agreed on a price. I chose peach roses to be safe.
1 piece is 4rmb (28 Php or $.58) I told him I want a bouquet and I don't want to pay so much. He then told me 40 rmb (280 php or $5.8) for 8 stems of peach roses. After converting the said amount to my known currency, I think it is cheap. Without trying to bargain, I said Yes to his offer. I was just thinking that it would be a simple arrangement because the price is not so expensive.
But as he was preparing the arrangement, he used a lot of papers and fancy decorations, which I really think unnecessary( thinking of all the trees that they cut down for producing such fancy papers) . He individually wrap each rose with papers, he then crumpled some fancy looking papers to serve as the division for each stem..... Honestly, I think it was too much for the price that I paid. For the finale, He placed the bouquet in colored woven light pot, I though I am to pay extra for the pot. But it is included in the 40rmb... I really think its a bargain. After he gave me the bouquet, the wife asked me for the occasion, I said its for a birthday, she then gave me a red card with a clear stick. I think if it were in my country, the pot, the card on stick would have to paid separately. But well, I told myself.... Welcome to China =)
I thought that giving flower is thoughtless and effortless. but for this time, I had to carry the bouquet walking to the bus stop, waited for the bus and forced myself inside the jampacked bus while trying my best not to disfigure the flower arrangement..... That for me was hardwork.... After all, it's always the thought that counts.
I haven't been updating my blog, I have been reading again. This time it's House of Sand and Fog by Andrew Dubus III.
Highly recommend it. A tragic comedy of how a simple thing can go wrong on a wrong move.

Monday, December 8, 2008
sumptuous dinner
Best part they have cuts of beef for steak. Even if I was not sure if the chef understands english, I ordered for steak medium rare....( sluuurrp)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Early morning Run
Actually, it helped a lot. I ran despite the cold. I can see the air that I breathe coming from my mouth as I was running. It somehow eased me...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
It's 6:06 AM
Monday, December 1, 2008
Feeling so stupid
I was not expecting to be affected and haunted this much... I guess this is the price I need to pay for being so reckless..
(passing out photo taken at Pattaya after hard partying)
I just had a glimpse of the darker side of the real world...
I am contemplating on the lyrics of Annie Lennox's Classic No More I Love Yous
I am seriously thinking of embracing the fact that: No More I Love Yous and that Language is Leaving me in Silence
I used to be lunatic
from the gracious days
I used to be woebegone
and so restless nights
My aching heart would bleed
for you to see
Oh but now...
(I don't find myself bouncing home whistling
buttonhole tunes to make me cry)
No more I love you's
The language is leaving me
No more I love you's
Changes are shifting outside the word
(The lover speaks about the monsters)
I used to have demons in my room at night
Desire,despair,desire,so many monsters
Oh but now...
(I don't find myself bouncing home whistling
buttonhole tunes to make me cry)
No more I love you's
The language is leaving me
No more I love you's
The language is leaving me in silence
No more I love you's
Changes are shifting outside the word
They were being really crazy
They were on the come.
And you know what mammy?
Everybody was being really crazy. Uh huh.
The monsters are crazy.
There are monsters outsides.
No more I love you's
The language is leaving me
No more I love you's
The language is leaving me in silence
No more I love you's
Changes are shifting outside the word
Outside the word
Lesson Learned: I have to be careful of the consequences of my doings
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tian Ping Mountain
Months before I had been anticipating to go to Tian Ping Mountain. A lot of my Chinese friends told me that it's a must see during autumn. It's the time when the leaves starts to turn red and yellow.
Thursday, I already asked a colleague at work how to get to Tian ping mountain by bus. (Aside from its the cheapest way, it's also a way to get to know the city well)
To Tian Ping Mountain:
Take bus number 3 to Carrefour Dong Huan Road(2rmb). Then exchange to Bus number 4 (2rmb) then stop at the last stop.
Unlike the Luzhi old town, I cannot escape the entrance fee to the park. Everyone is required to buy the ticket for 18rmb.
Thinking about it, for 26 rmb including return bus fare. It's relatively cheap to experience Autumn in China at it's best. Here are some pics I took when I went there.
By the way, best time to go the tianping mountain is during weekdays, it gets rowdy and crowded on weekends especially at this time of the year.
Im Thankful for
Last Thursday, we had a thanksgiving dinner. It was a very good chance to take a break from eating chinese foods. The host made sure that all of us would have a good and comfortable dinner. Everything was planned and was carried out very well, we had our seating arranged, our names in our cups and again, very very good food.
(Video was taken by my italian friend I met when I went to Laos. This is one of the new experiences that I am thankful for...)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Dai,James and John
Let me share some of the books that kept me busy for the 2nd half of November
Balzac and the little chinese seamstress by Dai Sijie.
the book tackled " reeducation" in China which actually took place on the 60's, where intellectuals were forced to live in the rural areas of China and were forced to do hard labor in the farm.
It was the time when all books were banned in China, and all Chinese people were to learn the ideals of Chairman Mao's little red book.
Owning Western book at that time was considered to be a serious offense. The story revolves around the lives 2 young city boys, reeducated in the farm and their discoveries and adventures when they got hold of a hidden western book from an author named Balzac.

When the wind blows by James Patterson.
a thrilling fast paced book about a secret scientific research on the evolution of Man. It involves character of a veterinarian who's husband was recently murdered and a falling FBI agent. How their lives connect while solving the mystery.
The author has a distinct way of writing his novel to make it "chewable" or easier for readers. The author writes his stories in short chapters. Expect chapters to run to about more than a hundred.

The King of Torts by John Grisham
a novel about a young ambitious struggling lawyer in Washington, who stumbled upon a random minor street killing in the area's slum. Leading to opening a case against one of the largest pharmaceutical company.
The book tackles issues about large class suits and how it involves settlement and how greed and ambition can take one man to his peak and back.

I am sorry I have not been writing. It's because of these books that I am reading. Please bear with my own book reviews.
And to my friend who knows who you are.... Grab a book and readasifthereisnotomorrow
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday is Suzhou Day
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
foggy day in suzhou
I woke up today at 7am. It was hard to get out of bed. The thick comforter just blended well with the cold morning. I looked at my window and I almost saw nothing. Just mist. I wiped the mist and still saw nothing. It was all white.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
where do I write?
If I am travelling in the plane I always carry my computer with me so that I can easily turn it on and start collecting my thoughts. This way it helps make the flight bearable.
I don't know why every time I am in a moving car, boat or plane or even train I always get inspired to think well and If I think well I want to write it down. I noticed this when I went to Uni and I have to travel from home for a long time.
Dragon Air/Cathay Pacific
In my previous post I mentioned about my options and fare prices going to Hong Kong.
Dragon/Cathay is the most expensive. Even if it's a little premium over the rest of the airlines, I choose this airline because I know they have good service, good airplane food and individual screens.
Because of these good amenities, my plan to write a blog while in the plane for the 2.5 hours flight was forgotten.
All the time I was glued on the screen watching 1 episode of Grey's Anatomy, Listened to airplane radio station (which by the way has excellent choice of songs whether it be chinese, cantonese, english, indian)
Also one remarkable thing about this airline is that they serve really good food. As the plane ascends, the attendants would hand out menus... How sweet can that be?
The food is really good, not to mention the free drinks and beer I can get. But I chose orange juice since I just had my morning coffee.
And the best part is they are serving dessert... Ice cream..... Haagen- Dazs..... no less
Hong kong airport sad feelings
I felt more homesick maybe because I know that they would be going home and I would be back to China and alone again.
We booked the same schedule its 11:00 am. Manila for them and Shanghai for me. I was expecting to spend time with my friends in the airport. But unfortunately they were assigned a gate exactly opposite to my assigned gate. It would be very difficult to run to my gate when our flights are gonna be boarding at almost the same time. I decided to just wait for my flight in my gate, I don't want to risk being late. I can't afford to be left by my flight.
While waiting for my flight, I can't help feeling restless and I kept on looking at the flight screens to see whether their flight has boarded already, at the same time imagining the time that I would be going back home too. I pictured my friends would still be in happy mood inside the plane, while I am lost in translation in gate waiting for my flight to board.
I decided to take a photo of the flight screen
Their flight is 5J111 to Manila, while mine is CX... to shanghai
In the picture, our flights were separated by an 11:00 am flight to Paris.
Luckily I chose a very good airline. My homesickness was eased when I was inside because of the airplane food and the airplane entertainment.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Need some cheering
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Shiao Shuang
Rewind March 10 2008.
It was my first time to celebrate my birthday in another country and basically alone. Since I was just barely 2 months in China at that time, my only close friends were my classmates. But at that time Mark went to another city and Naomi had to go to Thailand for her visa run. I decided to just have a quiet time in my apartment. Quiet time means cooking good food and drinking wine. I bought a bottle of wine for my mini celebration. Everything went smoothly as planned as my day progressed. I prepared the food but I realized I cannot open the wine because I don't have a wine opener. I was a little stressed because I was planning to drown myself with the wine. I called Shiao Shuang to ask her if she has a wine opener. She was a little shocked why would I be drinking wine on a monday. I had no choice but to tell her that it was my birthday and I felt a bit lonely and I wanna drink. She apologized because she doesn't have a wine opener.
I was feeling defeated. I can't drink.... I was slowly trying to convince myself that I will just have a good dinner and skip the drowning part.....
Same day (3PM)
Shiao Shuang knocked on my door, with a wine opener. She told me, that she had to borrow from someone because she wants me to celebrate so that I won't be lonely...... Sweeet =)
It was just a small deed, but maybe because I was feeling so lonely and alone that the small deed seem to be something very very important to me and I really appreciated her effort of looking for a way for me to drink my wine.
I thanked her for it and asked her when her birthday is. She told me it's far away.... Oct 17
I drank and got drunk that night.
Oct 16
I remembered the good deed Shiao Shuang gave me. And I think it is just proper to give back.
On one of our many conversations, she mentioned to me that her daughter gave birth to her first grandson. And obviously she was a very proud grandmother. She even called me once just to let me see the picture of the cute chinese baby boy.
Same day ( After work )
I decided to buy blue a winter jumpsuit and a set of baby rattles for "pao pao" ( shiao shuang's grandson). This way, it would be very useful since it's starting to get cold.
I also bought a small cake from the grocery for my dear Ah Yi.
I called her to meet me the next day.
Oct 17 (4pm)
I just got back from a short trip to shanghai. I gave my present to her. She was very very happy.
I am happy too. Seeing her appreciate my surprise for her.
Shiao shuang's happiness...... Priceless
I decided to take a photo of her with her cute smile..
Happy Birthday Shiao Shuang
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Mysterious Notice
I got more curious and interested about the notice because it was handwritten and there was a picture of a young girl . It is written in Chinese and looking at it, there were some words that I understood, like Mama and Papa, telephone and some basic words. Being very interested what is it all about; I took the notice from the wall and I brought it with me to work.
Later in the afternoon, I had my chinese friend, Ken translate it for me.
He read the notice and the first phrase he said after reading it is.... It is a bad news.
Apparently, the notice was posted by the girl's parents because they are looking for her. They said that when they received her call on the phone, they immediately came to Suzhou, to look for her. I'm not sure if I heard Ken right, he said that the girl is sick. In the notice the parents are also seeking help to those who read the notice to help them find their daughter.
My thoughts:
The notice was handwritten and was photocopied to produce several copies.
Being it handwritten, my first thought is that the family might not be from a wealthy family, and the parents must be very desperate in looking for their daughter.
One child policy in China
It must be very difficult for the chinese parents considering that most chinese families are only allowed to have one child.
I asked Ken if this kind of situation is common in China. He told me that it is more common for chinese boys to run away . He added that there are many young boys and girls from smaller and poor towns coming to the big cities to look for jobs. If they are not successful in their job search, they prefer to stay in the big city and bear the hardships and difficulties than to go home empty handed and disappointed.
After knowing what the chinese notice is all about, I felt bad for taking the posted notice from the wall.
Today while I was waiting for my bus, even if it's a little awkward and embarrassing, people were staring at me as I posted the chinese notice back from where I got it.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Hongkong.... Not so Keen.... Undecided
My friends back home are going to HongKong on the 23rd of this month. They have been planning this trip for a long time already. And I know for a fact that having to organise this isn't easy for them since they have to make sure they get permission from work and they had a hard time deciding the date that would allow everyone to be able to join the trip.
They have invited me long ago, and I committed myself to meet them in HongKong. I am a little familiar with some sights in HongKong and how to get to some places using the subway system. And importantly cross boarder to Macau by ferry. My friends are rooting for me to help them navigate the city.
Honestly, I am not so keen in going to Hongkong this month for several reasons.
1. I am saving money for my planned trip to either Russia or Kenya early next year.
2. This trip would be my 4th time to hongkong in less than 3 years, not including the stop overs
coming to and from China to Cebu.
3. 4 days in Hongkong is 4 days less from earning money in China.
Because of this, until now I haven't really taken this trip seriously. Last friday I decided to check the airplane schedules and prices from Shanghai to Hongkong. I also compared the price if I fly domestic to Shenzhen and take the ferry to Hongkong. ( I did this route January of this year).
Here are some options that I saw but not confirmed yet:
Option 1 China Eastern Airline RMB2246 ($325)
Oct 22
20:00 Pudong
22:00 Hong Kong
Oct 27
11:50 Hongkong
14:10 Pudong
Option 2 Dragon Air/Cathay Pacific RMB2396 ($347)
Oct 22
19:30 Pudong
22:10 Hongkong
Oct 27
11:00 Hongkong
13:20 Pudong
Option 3 Shanghai Airline/China Eastern RMB 1940 ($281)
Oct 22
8:20 Hongquiao
11:40Shenzhen (via Guangzhou)
Oct 27
11:10 Shenzhen
13:00 Hongquiao
3 options. But I haven't decided on which option to take. The 3rd option is the cheapest but I have to stop in Guangzhou for 45 minutes, and I have to consider the cost in taking the ferry from Shenzhen to Hongkong.
I have to decide within this week so I can finalize everything.
But anyway, I have committed myself to go with my friends, I can't afford to back out right now. I will just think of this trip as a way to relax away from work and spend time with people that I don't see often anymore.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Chasing Pavements
Armed with my ipod. I set it to " repeat" mode, meaning for the whole 30 minute walk, I would listen to one song.
Don't need to think it over,
Ah Yi
Ah Yi can also be a cleaner.
In our apartments here in China we all share 1 Ah Yi. She does not clean our individual apartments, but she cleans the corridors and we call on her if there is something that needs to be fixed in our rooms, or for most of the time, if we lock our keys inside the apartment. She has all the keys.
Shiao Shuang is our Ah Yi. She speaks very very very little english. She knocks in our doors screaming "Hello" .
She says 'Thank You".
And I heard her mention the word "Banana" once.
One of China's advantage over the world is it's cheap labor.
I was able to talk to Shiao Shuang one time, I was complaining about work and compensation. She told me that I should not complain because chinese people like her are not paid very well. She told me that in a month she is getting 800RMB($115usd). And thinking of all the responsibilities that she has to do, certainly 800rmb a month is a meager amount.
Last Wednesday, when I open my fridge to get some water, I was surprised to see something different ( I don't keep any food in my fridge, its just water..... Yeah I'm too lazy to cook since I got to China). I saw a can of Ice Cafe Latte, I can't remember buying this.... When I looked further I saw 2 ice cream cups on my mini freezer and 2 chocolate ice cream Popsicles.
I thought of a colleague, whom I always crash and beg for food asked Shiao Shuang to put the goodies in my fridge, because I am always out of site.
I sent her a message confirming if the Ice cream and coffee are from her. She said No, it's not from her.
I was wondering, who could be giving free ice cream and ice coffee now that it's starting to get cold.
I decided to call Shiao Shuang. I tried my best to speak chinese to solve the mystery.
Here goes ( English Version... very simple chinese words were used.. My chinese is not good)
Me: Ni Hao... Are you busy? I have a question
SS: Ni Hao.. I'm ok. I have time. What's the problem?
Me: Who gave me the ice cream and ice coffee?
SS: It's me. Do you like to eat Ice cream?
Me: Oh Thank you very much? Why are you giving me Ice cream? ( surprised)
SS: Because you are my good friend. I don't see you often anymore. Do you like Ice cream?
Me: Oh Thank you... Thank you... yeah I like Ice cream so much. Thank you very much
Mystery solved. It was Shiao Shuang who gave me the Ice cream. It's such a heartwarming experience, coming from a person I least expected.
Despite her not so much earnings Shiao Shuang appreciates my friendship and went an extra mile to surprise me...
Thank You so much Ah Yi... She is not just a cleaner... she can be an Ah Yi.... an Aunt
I will surely miss her when I go back to my country.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Zhao, My Host, the person who gave me another impression of Chinese people
Zhao is the first Chinese person who invited me to stay in his apartment. I was not sure on how to react to the invitation. I insisted on staying in a hostel so that I won’t have to bother him so much. Again he insisted that I stay in his apartment. I was thinking this would be an interesting experience having to stay in a Chinese home with a Chinese fellow.
Through him I was able to get to know deeper some Chinese cultures learned more how Chinese people see things differently.
Firstly, Zhao introduced some of the famous Sichuan Dishes….. Yes they are all spicy and undoubtedly very delicious!
He is a very graceful host; Zhao introduced me to some of his Chinese friends and even went his way to travel with me to nearby Sichuan towns.
I will try my best to recall some conversations I had with Zhao that made me learn something new about Chinese people and how he sees things.
Zhao: I wish one day I can travel around like you.
Me: Yeah you should travel. You will learn a lot and gain many experiences
Zhao: It’s not so easy to travel. I need to work and earn money.
Me: That’s right. But through traveling you will discover that there is still a bigger world out there. It’s not just China. Though China is really beautiful
Zhao: We Chinese people in China are like inside a Great Wall…..
I was taken a back on how he describes China’s enclosure to the outside world. With the strict implementation of information coming in and out of china, they are very particular on cable channels, blocking some internet sites certainly; there is limited information in China.
We also spoke about the shape of a person’s face and how Chinese people view it. Zhao told me that if a person’s face is round and he has a broad forehead, he is deemed to be somebody who is going to be rich.
Me: Does that mean that I’m poor? I have an oval shaped face...
Zhao: Yes….
Me: Uhhhmm?
We talked about Chinese families, on how Parents play a part in a person’s life decisions.
Zhao: I really like shanghai, I hope one day I can visit shanghai, it’s very modern city
Me: Why not try looking for a job in Shanghai? Or maybe in Suzhou?
Zhao: I want to but my parents would not allow me to be far from them.
Me: But you are earning your own money already and you can be independent.
Zhao: I cannot leave my parents here, they are old.
Me: Wow your parents really affect the decisions in your life.
Zhao: Yeah… how about you?
Me: I have my brothers and sisters, and I can always go back home anytime.
Maybe this is so because of the one child policy… You don’t have brothers and sisters to help you take care of your parents.
Zhao: Maybe…
We talked about music…
Zhao has a very good taste in music. I was amazed because most the Chinese people I know have the same taste in music. It is mostly western music that became popular few years ago. But Zhao’s music was very up to date. It is a shame; a Chinese person gave me some songs to upload in my ipod. His choice of music is really impressive. Aside from that he helped me upload some Chinese songs too!
Me: I’m really impressed with your choice of music.
Zhao: Why?
Me: I thought Chinese people are not so updated with western music
Zhao: No not all, I always use the internet
Me: I’m really impressed!
Zhao: Well we are all the same people. We listen to one music
By the way, Zhao also watches popular western TV series… Can you beat that?
Zhao, thanks for your hospitality and for sharing your time when I visited Sichuan. I have learned
A lot from you..Thanks for the goodies from luojiang =)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Collecting my thoughts in the plane…
I am in the plane right now. 3 hours to shanghai from chengdu. I will try my best to recall the events in the last 6 days. I will be writing about my Sichuan experience.
Let me first share some pics I took from the airport.
I just finished 1 entry…. So timely Lunch is served now…;-)
Wheeew Airplane food again… It’s rice, chicken with sauce and peanuts. I’m sorry I cannot describe the other foods. They are packed and all written in Chinese. And I am not so hungry to eat this. I might just give this to some Chinese kids in shanghai.
I’ll continue my 2nd entry after my lunch..
Amazing Sichuan

I was greeted by my friend Zhao in the exit. As we headed towards the bus station to wait for our bus to Deyang City, we talked about my flight and I also asked how long has he been waiting for me at the airport.
ChengDu has a welcoming atmosphere. Everything is calm. It’s pretty modern; the closest city that I can compare it with is Shanghai. It is not as modern as shanghai but it’s definitely not as unfriendly as Shanghai.
I was treated to my very first Sichuan Dish……Man…. The food was so good. It was a bit spicy but it was really good.
When we got to Zhao’s apartment, it is very clean and comfortable. I experienced my first Chinese hospitality, because this is my first time to get invited to a Chinese house. Zhao really made sure I get comfortable in his place. He gave me a little tour in his apartment, and even asked me which room I would want to sleep. I answered that I can stay anywhere, and I don’t want him to offer the master bedroom. I opted to stay in his guestroom.
When Zhao showed me the toilet, he showed me how to use his shower. He then asked told me to tell him if there is something I need. I told him “I don’t know how to use the toilet”.
“ I don’t know how to use the toilet” This sentence could mean either 2 things.
A. I don’t know how to operate your toilet bowl.
B. I don’t know how to properly squat in a traditional Chinese toilet bowl.
And I mean B. I don’t know how to use the toilet using the Chinese toilet bowl…
I was too shy to elaborate more, Zhao got me wrong he showed me how to flush the toilet.
Oh no…. at the back of my head I was thinking…. How long can I hold this?
Monday, September 29, 2008
Now in Pudong Airport
I got here 30 minutes ago. I made sure to tire myself from cleaning my apartment, doing my laundry at the same time packing my stuffs last nite so that I will just sleep the whole time in the plane.
I hate flying =(
I will post some pictures when I get to chengdu. I am using the airport's free computer. Wifi Doesn't work here
I am sure I am going to have a blast in Cheng Du
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sept 26... Starts to get cold
I think this day is the start of coolness that would gradually shift to coldness.
I woke up late in the morning for I don't need to be on my usual rush to work.
I was amazed when I went out, people were starting to be in their jackets. I thought it was just an ordinary breezy day to a temp that looks like it would rain. But there is really a feel cold chill in the air. Amazing to see how people are slowly wrap up again.
I went out to have my computer fixed, bought a backpack for my "long term planned trip", which I am going to write about soon.
Then went to my part time work.
I finished worked at 8:15PM and walking to the bus stop was a bit difficult because it was chilly and I was in shorts... Looking people in jackets and sweater makes it more colder.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Getting excited for my much needed break
On my part I'm really starting to get stressed out with work and I need a good damn holiday.
I'm really looking forward travelling to Beijing the 2nd time around. I'm mostly excited to see the olympic venues and sites related to it.
I'm gonna share more about it when I come back with pictures of course!
Thanks to Abbie and flying Sable for coordinating the trip
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Heart of the Matter
But how does one gets attracted to a certain song? How can one say that he likes a certain song. Is it the lyrics? Is it the artist behind the song? Is it the beat?