Tomorrow is the birthday of a friend of mine here in China. She has done some good things for me so I feel that I have to give her something for her birthday. The problem is I am not the type of person who likes to shop around.
So instead of punishing myself deciding what gift I should give, I decided to follow my principle about ladies and flowers. I hope I am right when I think that ladies feels special if they receive flowers.
Aside from it's quick, I think men never go wrong with giving flowers.
After work, I decided to look for some flower shops on the way home.
I saw one in Feng men lu, one of the first few streets here in Suzhou that I am very much familiar, since my school is located in that street and I used to walk along that street last winter.
The owner speaks "Suzhou hua" or Suzhou dialect, which is kinnda difficult for me to catch up. After a few minutes of hand gestures we agreed on a price. I chose peach roses to be safe.
1 piece is 4rmb (28 Php or $.58) I told him I want a bouquet and I don't want to pay so much. He then told me 40 rmb (280 php or $5.8) for 8 stems of peach roses. After converting the said amount to my known currency, I think it is cheap. Without trying to bargain, I said Yes to his offer. I was just thinking that it would be a simple arrangement because the price is not so expensive.
But as he was preparing the arrangement, he used a lot of papers and fancy decorations, which I really think unnecessary( thinking of all the trees that they cut down for producing such fancy papers) . He individually wrap each rose with papers, he then crumpled some fancy looking papers to serve as the division for each stem..... Honestly, I think it was too much for the price that I paid. For the finale, He placed the bouquet in colored woven light pot, I though I am to pay extra for the pot. But it is included in the 40rmb... I really think its a bargain. After he gave me the bouquet, the wife asked me for the occasion, I said its for a birthday, she then gave me a red card with a clear stick. I think if it were in my country, the pot, the card on stick would have to paid separately. But well, I told myself.... Welcome to China =)
I thought that giving flower is thoughtless and effortless. but for this time, I had to carry the bouquet walking to the bus stop, waited for the bus and forced myself inside the jampacked bus while trying my best not to disfigure the flower arrangement..... That for me was hardwork.... After all, it's always the thought that counts.
I haven't been updating my blog, I have been reading again. This time it's House of Sand and Fog by Andrew Dubus III.
Highly recommend it. A tragic comedy of how a simple thing can go wrong on a wrong move.

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