I have met some people walking in the dark side of life. Listening to their stories, I really felt so sad. Why do some people have to work jobs that they don't want to work? People are very desperate to earn money.
I have been feeling so down since yesterday. I got an email that one of my workmate back home was diagnose with Cancer. She is very young and her kids are very young. She is a very soft spoken person. She is always positive and very cheerfull.
As much as I don't want to question the nature of things. I really can't help but ask.... Why is life unfair? Why do bad things happen to good people? It is just so sad =(
Today, I was still feeling a bit melancholy, I decided to go to for a walk at the Muslim Quarters. It was crowded with people buying stuffs for the coming Chinese New Year. Observing the crowd, I just can't help but see the negative side of life. I told myself that for today I am not going to take pictures of places but I will spend time taking pictures of people's faces.
I wish I know how to resize the pictures I took so I can post it here, but the computer in my hostel is in Chinese and I can't figure out a way to make the files smaller. I decided to just post one photo.
Let me share with you a song that hopefully will inspire us when things in our life are on the negative side.
We all need Saving
ooh, ooh come on come on ooh ooh, come on come on
you have got to move on
this is not the you i know
this isn't realit's just all you can feel
and that's the way that feelings go
and whether or not it's right or wrong
you'll do what you will do
but when the cloud in the sky starts to pour in your life
its just a storm you're braving
well don't tell yourself
you can't lean on someone
cause we all need saving
say what you will
but the time that we fill
while we are on the Earth
should not be alone
we were meant to be known
you make me what i'm worth
but i can't keep you from yourself
you'll do what you will do
when the cloud in the sky starts to pour in your life
it's just a storm you're braving
well don't tell yourself
you can't lean on someone else
cause we all need saving
and i don't know
why it has to be this way
and i don't know
the cure
but please believe someone else has felt this before
when the cloud in the sky starts to pour in your life
it's just a storm you're braving
well don't tell yourself
you can't lean on someone else
cause we all need saving
we all need saving