Everything seems to be ok in this backpacking trip. On my 3rd day here in Xi'an I got a message from my brother to go online in the evening. He told me that my Dad wants to talk with me about something.
Getting this message, I am a bit concern because it's very unlikely for my Dad to strike up a talk with me. Having lived away from my parents since I was young, Me and my Dad seldom talk specially If I am away. Though our relationship is perfectly fine, we are not the type who really take the time to talk on the phone. It's always my Mom who checks on me from time to time.
And getting that message, I know it is something serious.
Since I just brought my backpack, I decided to leave my computer in my apartment in Suzhou. It would be impossible for me to go online this day.
I decided to call my Mom and asked her what is the thing that my Dad wants to talk about. My Mom told me that my Dad wants me home already and help them in our business.
My thoughts:
I think in my own way, I have done everything that I want to do with my life( I know it sounds so serious). But yes, I think I already did!
Firstly, I want to try to work in a reputable company back home, which I did (having worked for Citi for more than 3 years is enough for me). Secondly, I have always wanted to live on my own, having my own apartment while I was working in a bank satisfied that want. Third, I want to work and live abroad. Staying here in China by myself for a little over a year is ok for me already. And I must admit that sometimes it gets lonely, not having the comforts of home. And lastly, I want to travel on my own capacity (financial capacity that is!). While working here in China, I was able to travel for as long as 1 month. Though I mostly travel alone, which is a good way to meet people from different places, again sometimes it also gets lonely. But the experience of travelling and discovering places and immersing myself with different cultures is good enough to overcome the loneliness of travelling solo.
More Deep thoughts about going home:
Being away from home and having all the independence has taught me a lot of lessons that I would have never learned if I did not take this chance to live in China and travelled along the way.
A few months ago the thought of leaving China makes me feel sad. Right now that my chinese working visa is expiring next month, and I am currently out of job, and having stayed in China for a year, I still feel sad but deep inside me there is a slight feeling of relief having to be in a place that I can really call home. I know I will be sad when the day comes that I have to leave China, but I think it would not be as sad as the feeling I had a few months back.
This post was written on a scratch paper while I was contemplating my thoughts in Xiangzimen Youth Hostel in Xi'an. I want to put this in record so that when I will be home and re reading my post, fond memories of this backpacking trip would drown me. Photos above is the exact place I wrote this post
The Irony:
Despite feeling a little ready to go home for good, my facebook status as I am writing this is
Xx Xx needs to satisfy his travel urges.....soon
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