My Friend E, an ex addict, HIV positive, gave light to me today.
I have been feeling down the past few days.
While chatting with E, I asked for an inspiration. I told E to recommend a song for me to listen and to get inspired.
He gave me a youtube link which directed me to this song.
By coincidence, I have this song in my ipod already, but I have been figuring out the song's title for almost a year now. The lyrics are in foreign language, and it is hard to hum the song and ask people if they are familiar with the song.
Thus I named the song "unknown song" in my ipod.

(my ipod with a picture of me and the unknown song)
This song made my day. Specially in times like this, that I feel stuck and contained. It just gives me hope that whatever situation we are now, we can make things happen.

With this, I am telling myself. One day I will resume flying again... And when that time comes. I gonna be flying for good
Cheers everyone
good job!!! :-) ---E
I can't wait.
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