Sunday, August 31, 2008

To Blog or not to Blog?

Not so fresh start. I have been meaning to start a blog since the start of the year.

I have moved to a foreign country at the beginning of the year. I was thinking this would be a good chance to document an exciting adventure that I will be experiencing the whole year round. But when I get to my new apartment, I immediately checked my old blog to post something I wrote while I was waiting for my flight. There were some Chinese characters displayed in my screen, which I can't read. I later found out that we have some minor restrictions in accessing some websites here.

All the hopes died down..

Fast forward.... August 31 2008. While on the bus with a friend, she asked me what are some things that I used to do back home, which I miss doing here in China. I mentioned going to the beach, driving around, and post some nonsense in my blog. She told me that she just started a blog and it worked ok. I made sure I heard it right... You can access your blog here?... post a blog here? and she confirmed it was ok...

All the hopes of documenting a whole year of adventure suddenly resurfaced...

It's been 7 months now since I came to China. A lot of things has happened and I was not able to document everything.... I have been wanting to write about all the details in this adventures. Now I am not sure if I can recall all the things, people and events that happened since the beginning of the year. Now the question is......

To Blog or not to Blog?

Not a fresh start.... but will try to make the most of the remaining time here in SUZHOU CHINA, my new home for 2008

Welcome friends

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